Monday, July 13, 2015

Bargain Girl at the Mall

Have you ever attended a dinner where a buffet was set out for guests to serve themselves?  Your eyes take in all the “food candy” so you serve yourself more than you can handle in one, two or even three meals.  Well that would be this girl who likes to bargain shop.  I avoid the mall like the plague; not because I don’t enjoy going to the mall but mainly because I see so many bargains that I want to buy it all while my wallet screams in protest!

This is to say that when going to the mall, head in there prepared!  This was the case for me on Friday.  I had two items that I was prepared to leave the mall with.  Nothing was going to deter me from leaving the mall with those two items; not even the Michael Kors purse on clearance at Macy’s.  Eyes straight ahead, I kept walking like I was being chased by a rabid dog; okay so maybe there was a little running involved, you get the point.

My list for the day you ask?  One item from Lane Bryant, not to exceed $11.00 and one travel size item from Bath and Body Works.  I was shopping for these particular items for a reason.  I use my smart phone more than any normal person should for bargains.  This particular bargain involved subscribing to Lane Bryant texts.  Once that was done, I received a text for $10 off a $10 purchase.  I thought I might pick up an accessory or whatever else I could find that cost less than $11.  I ended up with a 3 pack of socks.  One can never have too many…right?  Paid $1.03 after coupon and tax.

Next, I head to Bath and Body Works for my free travel size item.  I’m a little bit of a subscription maniac.  In this case I am subscribed to the Bath and Body Works mailings, and e-mail.  I picked up a travel size lotion and paid nothing.  By the way if you’re into MIY’s (Make It Yourself) like I am, here is an idea for you; take a reusable plastic cup, insert travel size lotion, travel size pocket bac, and travel size shower gel (depending on what size the cup is, you may not fit everything in it), instant birthday gift!  If you’re feeling like that may not be enough, insert a gift card with those items.
To get your Lane Bryant coupon, text LBTXT to 23705.

In case you’re wondering why I was in Macy’s, it was only to get my kicks from Shopkick.  More to follow on that later.

Happy Shopping!